Good Day;
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for Visiting the High Marine Masonic Lodge #12 Website.
My Name is J. Willie Burton and I have been honored to be selected to serve as the Worshipful Master for the 2024-2025 ensuing Year
I have always considered leadership as an act of service and strived to serve this organization with respect for its principles and heritage.
I want to first thank the officers, brothers, and fellows of the craft in advance for their future support.
The Theme of this year will be Unity. Unity means the state of being joined together or in agreement.
(U)Understanding: We all embrace the same purpose, and that purpose overrides our personal preferences
(N) Neighboring: being in partnership with our communities and offering Brotherly Support.
(I) Integrity: rectitude, probity, virtue.
(T) Trust: To fulfill one’s responsibilities without being coerced or begged.
(Y) Yielding: Putting away selfish desires to achieve the greater goal.
Motto: Our Motto Will Be God, Family, Masonry
- We plan to demonstrate to the world how Masons should love one another.
- We plan to Introduce new ways to display our organization to our membership and the community at large: Our masonic website will resemble the world in which we live.
- We want Our website to be used to educate our membership in areas of our History and Leadership.
- We want to also exhibit our concerns for our community and broaden our perspective by instituting programs that help the community.
- Our organization will move our ship into the 21st Century through technology and access to modern but proven methods.
- We will continue to build a Lodge that entails social awareness within our community.
I will seek the assistance of our community to help us reach our desired goal.
In closing, I am requesting your support as we endeavor to lead this organization to greater heights.
Like all those who have gone this way before us, we have a responsibility to pass the torch of hope and the legacy of history, which dictates that we have hope in God and utilize such to realize that our past, through obstacles and success, we have still survived.
Courage is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it. “The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear (‘Nelson Mandela”)
Fraternally Submitted,
J. Willie Burton,
Worshipful Master
High Marine Lodge #12